


Guidance on the Procedure for Subscribing to the Rent Liability Guarantee Service



What is the “University Co-op Anshin Smile-Kun” Rent Liability Guarantee Service?

When entering into a contract for a condominium or apartment, one of the following is mandatory: 【① Designate a joint guarantor】 or② Subscribe to a rent liability guarantee service】.

Of these options, there is a growing trend of many properties specifying the subscription to② Subscribe to a rent liability guarantee service】 as a condition for occupancy.

Yokohama National University Co-op can introduce you to the “University Co-op Anshin Smile-Kun”, operated by a subsidiary of the university co-op.

In some cases, the contracted rent guarantee company may be specified, so it is recommended to check with the property owner/management company before using this service.
The eligibility criteria for subscription are as follows:

 Individuals enrolled at Yokohama National University as students, faculty, staff, or researchers.
 Individuals who will soon be enrolled at Yokohama National University.

Note: It is not mandatory to provide information such as nationality, place of residence, or Japanese language proficiency. However, it is necessary to register someone residing in Japan as your emergency contact.


Guarantee Contents

Details and fees associated with the guarantee are as follows:

◆保証内容 Guarantee Contents
①賃料等 ※賃料等とは、家賃・管理費・駐車場料金、その他毎月固定的に支払われるべき費用を指します
Rent, etc. Rent etc. means encompasses rent, management fees, parking lot fees, and other fixed monthly expenses.
Variable fee (equivalent to actual cost).
Renewal fee (equivalent to 2 months of the total rent).
Settlement fee at the time of moving out.
Early termination penalty (2 months of the total rent, etc.).
Legal fees (equivalent to actual costs).

Guarantee limit: 24 months of the total amount of rent, etc.
Guarantee period: From the time of signing the contract to the time of vacating the apartment.

◆保証委託料 Guarantee Commitment Fee
Upon accepting the guarantee, the following Guarantee Deposit is necessary:
Initial Guarantee Deposit (once at the time of the contract)10,000JPY
Annual Warranty Deposit (per year after signing the contract)10,000JPY
Guarantee periodFrom the time of signing the contract to the time of vacating the apartment.

In the event of a rent increase after signing the guarantee agreement, an additional guarantee fee may be applicable.

Click here  for more details


Application Procedure

① 物件オーナー・管理会社に「大学生協安心スマイ君」を利用する承諾を得てください。

Obtain permission from the property owner/management company to use “University Co-op Anshin Smile-Kun”.

Click here  to view the information for owners and management companies.

② 申込書をダウンロードの上、必要事項を記入してください。
Download and complete the required information

Contact Yokohama National University Co-op via e-mail
Mail: oheya-sagashi@ynu-coop.jp

その際、以下のデータを添付ください。 Please attach the following data.

【日本国籍の方、外国籍の方 共通/For both Japanese and foreign nationals
・ 入居申込書 兼 保証委託申込書  ※必要事項に記入がされたもの

Application form and Guarantee Application Form (filled out and signed by the applicant).

・ 学生証 or 職員証 or 研究員証、合格通知書 or 入学許可証、在籍または在職を証明する書類 のいずれか1つのコピー

Photocopy of one of the following documents: Student ID or staff ID or researcher ID, letter of acceptance or letter of admission, proof of enrollment or employment.

【日本国籍の方/For Japanese nationals
・ 健康保険証 or 運転免許証 or パスポート(写真掲載ページ) or 年金手帳 のいずれか1つのコピー

A copy of one of the following: health insurance card, driver's license, passport (photo page), or pension book.

【外国籍の方/For Foreign nationals
・ 在留カード(両面) or 特別永住者証明書 or パスポート※ のいずれか1つのコピー

 Photocopy of one of the following: Residence card (both sides) or Special Permanent Resident Certificate or Passport

The page with your photo and name, and the page with the expiration date and status of residence.


④ 申込内容の確認、保証会社の審査が終わるまで2-3日お待ちください。

Allow 2-3 days for the application to be verified and for the guarantee company to complete their screening.

⑤ 審査完了の後、横浜国立大学生協から保証委託料のお振込みについてメールにてご連絡いたします。費用は1万円です。Following the completion of the screening, Yokohama National University Co-op will contact you by e-mail regarding the transfer of the guarantee consignment fee (10,000JPY).

⑥ 振込確認後、保証委託契約書を郵送いたします。大切に保管してください。
Upon confirming the transfer of fee, the Guarantee Consignment Agreement will be sent via email. Please store it in a secure place.


This concludes the procedure. For any inquiries, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via e-mail.
